Our in house pharmacy offers a wide selection of medications for immediate treatment. For special orders, unique prescriptions, or our very small or large patients compounded medications are more appropriate. We are fortunate to have Creative Compounds in Wilsonville for that service or we can call in prescriptions to local human pharmacies or other area compounding pharmacies.
We now also have an online pharmacy allowing for direct shipment of medications directly to your home. Many of the medications that you have routinely purchased at the clinic are available online, as are many products that we do not carry on our clinic shelves. Ordering online is a very simple process. Just register using the VetSource links on our website to request whatever you need.
One of the biggest benefits of purchasing medications through the clinic or the online pharmacy is the comfort of knowing who the manufacturer of the product you are purchasing is and that the manufacturer will stand behind the product should there be any type of reaction to it. Many of the discount online pharmacies and the big box store pharmacies, purchase their products from unknown distributors from South America, India or Asia and there is no guarantee of product purity or quality control. If the drug doesn't work or your pet has a reaction to it, there is no one who will stand behind the products. We strongly caution a buyer beware policy when purchasing medications via discount pharmacies.