Radiology provides a noninvasive method to evaluate and diagnose many conditions. X-rays are most commonly considered helpful in diagnosing bone injuries or diseases, but they are also very helpful diagnosing many soft tissue conditions like those affecting the gastrointestinal tract or the heart and lungs. Radiology also allows for some advanced diagnostics (contrast studies) as well as being used for the screening animals for hip and elbow dysplasia prior to breeding (OFA and PennHIP). Dental radiology is also available and helps evaluate dental health below the gum line where we cannot visualize the teeth. Sometimes serial x-rays are needed to evaluate GI disease (barium studies) or to follow the progression of certain injuries (fracture healing).
We have a state of the art digital radiography system, which allows rapid capture of images making it less stressful and time consuming for the patients. These images can be manipulated using techniques like magnification, zooming in, and taking measurements, which allow us to more accurately diagnose disease and monitor treatments in our pets. It also allows us to send the images electronically within seconds to a radiologist for immediate review or to a specialist for a referral appointment. We can have a second opinion in less than an hour when necessary which allows us to provide better care for our patients.