Endoscopy involves the use of long telescopic cameras and instruments that are inserted into the body cavities to examine tissues, obtain biopsies or perform surgical procedures. Depending on the organ or space where the cameras are inserted, the name of the procedure changes. For example, laparoscopy involves placing the camera in the abdominal cavity, gastroscopy - into the stomach, cystoscopy - into the bladder, vaginoscopy - into the vaginal canal, arthroscopy – into a joint, rhinoscopy – into the nose and otoscopy – into the ear. The procedure is then visualized on a television monitor with significant magnficiation. Typically, the cavity is inflated with air, gas or fluid to enhance visualization. Then the surgeon uses long instruments as an extension to their hands to perform the surgery.
The benefits of enqdoscopy include better visualization, smaller incisions, faster healing times, in some situations, shorter surgical times, and in some cases procedures may be done in an awake patient rather than undergoing anesthesia (transcervical insemination versus surgical insemination for example).
We have already been offering numerous different types of endoscopy available at our clinic but we have now added laparoscopic equipment, making it possible to perform laparascopic or lap-assisted procedures such as spays, cryptorchid surgeries, prophylactic gastropexies, intestinal and liver biopsies, as well as other abdominal procedures. These surgeries are also called minimally invasive surgeries because of the small incisions and faster recovery times. This type of surgery may not be indicated in some surgical situations but it may be desirable in others.
Please ask your doctor about the possible use of this new technology on your family pets to get more information about the usefulness for your pet’s procedure.